Eat hand. Good.
Can I stick all 10 fingers in there?

A Chronicle of Isabella's milestones & adventures in our silly little world
I rolled over from back to stomach and then to back again for the first time! I also pivoted myself 90 degrees around in my crib. I must have been exciteable after my 4 month checkup and my second set of immunization shots. I weighed in at 11 pounds, 14 ounces, 23 7/8" long, 14 7/8" head. That puts me in the 50th percentile for length, 20th percentile in weight, 5th percentile in head circumference.
Why do strangers keep wanting to hold me? I love my Mommy. If I had it my way, she would hold me all the time. In fact, I'm going to pout my lips and scream.....!