Thursday, January 27, 2005

Back on track

I am healthy again after being out of commission the last 2 weeks. I caught a nasty respiratory virus called RSV. I didn't like it because the doctors made me breathe out of this plastic mask even though I kept trying to squirm away. Luckily I am better again, and back to practicing my walk! I can take up to 5 steps before I fall - luckily my Mommy's always there to catch me!

Here's me in happier and healthier days. I get so excited when I see my parents. I laugh "ke-ah!" and crawl up to them as fast as I can!

One of my last naps in my beloved Graco infant seat. I hear that I'm getting a bigger seat soon.

Picture on the right: Look - a tree! A bird! The sky! I point at everything now.