No way, bye bye, Mommy Do!!
I'm 2, and that means that I'm entitled to be terrible! I figured that I might as well take full advantage of this Terrible Two reputation, since everyone expects me to be demanding anyway. I generally am sweet, but there are days that I wake up and I'm on the rag! I don't want anyone to do anything for me except for Mommy, and I insist that "Mommy Do!" I shoo other people away by saying "No way, no way! Bye Bye!" I always want to hold Mommy's hand while I do something, sit on her lap, have Mommy carry me, or have her near me. Sometimes it is unacceptable just to have other people in the room; I want her all to myself!! But then when I'm with Mommy, I try to bend her to my will. If Mommy says walk left, I insist on walking right, and if Mommy says let's walk, I whine to be held. Mommy ignores me whenever I am like this, and that REALLY pisses me off so I scream more and louder. I am the captain! You will obey my orders!