Monday, July 03, 2006

Public toilet tour

Mommy keeps asking me if I want to pee on the toilet. But I am usually too preoccupied at home to want to go, so I generally refuse. She has come to bribing me with treats like ice cream, cookies, even TV (!) if I do, but it doesn't help. However, I am very fascinated with public toilets. So everytime we go out, I've been asking Mommy to "pee" about every hour, and Mommy takes me. Mommy has been very patient with me, because she has quite an aversion to public bathrooms, and I have yet to actually pee in a public place! I usually announce I'm done after sitting for about 5 seconds. I just enjoy checking out all the different bathrooms and going through all of the bathroom rituals.
I know that she loves me even if sometimes I drive her crazy.