New underwear

Yes, I'm wearing it on my head here.
A Chronicle of Isabella's milestones & adventures in our silly little world
This morning I woke up especially early - at 6:45 am (these days I wake up around 8) and called out "Pawpaw! Pawpaw!" (Grandma). I've only done this in the past when I knew that my parents were gone. But this morning, I had an ulterior motive! I can get away with eating lots of snacks and cookies with Pawpaw before Mommy wakes up!!! So when Pawpaw greeted me, I took her hand, led her to the kitchen and pointed out all the cool snacks that I wanted to eat. She refused, saying I had to ask Mommy first! NOOOOOO, this is not the way it's supposed to work! So I had to wake up Mommy to see if she'd approve of my snack-for-breakfast selection. She refused too! UGH! I thought I had a good thing going here!
So what if Daddy is on another business trip? That means that Pawpaw (Mommy's Mommy) is staying with us, and I get whatever I want just by screaming when Mommy isn't around. This morning that's how Mommy found me - sitting happily on the Stokke with a 1 pound tub of chocolate cookies in front of me, munching happily, chocolate stains all over my face.
People have often wondered how long it would take before I'd warm up to them (without any significant effort on their part). Well, after being at our house every day all day for a month, I have finally warmed up to our two contractors working on our bathroom remodel! I follow them around wanting to watch them work, and even allow them to hold me!
I've become quite a jetsetter these days because my parents are trying to cram in all these trips before my baby brother arrives. Can you believe that I haven't been on an airplane for a month?! So I've been getting an itch. I repeated how much I wanted to ride an airplane enough that we took a road trip instead. We rented a house in Tahoe with our friends Claire, Rowan, their parents and Auntie Amy & Markus. Isn't it cool that I played in the beach and the snow within the same weekend?
Now that I know how to manipulate and negotiate with my parents, I try to get what I want by telling little white lies too. I tell the other parent things like "Mommy said no school today" or "Daddy said watch TV". My parents are shocked by how sneaky I've become.
My third bedtime without my parents did not go as well as the first two times. Pawpaw (Mommy's Mommy) babysat while my parents went to Napa. For the last several months, however, I haven't been into Pawpaw. She is OK for a short while, but then I start clinging by Mommy for better entertainment. I don't know if it is because she speaks primarily Chinese which I don't understand as well (it doesn't help that the Cantonese language sounds like people yelling), if she is always nagging me about what I can't do, or if I'm annoyed that she doesn't know how to turn on the TV/music. Suffice to say that everything went fine in the beginning, and I was looking forward to Yee-ma (Mommy's sister Helen) coming to visit too, as everyone promised. But she never showed up, so I think the combination of everything made me really frustrated. I got really upset, refused to let Pawpaw change my diaper, insisting on having "Mommy/Daddy do" even though they weren't there. The result is that I got a really bad diaper rash - so bad that I woke up at 3 am in pain for an hour! Luckily my parents were home by then so they could take care of me. We all got our just desserts!
A boy has been pushing me at school! He is a couple of months younger than me, but he is physically bigger. I heard that he has been pushing all of the kids smaller than him. I was able to tell Mommy, "G. push you! G. crying! Linda [the teacher] timeout!" I wasn't really phased by the whole incident: I got lots of TLC while G. got the short end of the stick. However, this didn't help my situation because I am already distrustful of other people, and I haven't been wanting to attend school the last couple of weeks. I always tell Mommy "No school; stay hooome" but she takes me there anyway. At dropoffs, I cry and scream right when we enter the door, clinging to Mommy's leg. When the teacher takes me away into the classroom, you can hear me screaming, "Daddy! Daddy!" Boo hoo, who else can save me? No one ever comes, so I quiet down after a couple of minutes.