My baby brother Sebastian sure sleeps a lot! I get excited when he's crying because that means he's awake. I tell Mommy "she's [sic] crying", "come, Mommy!", "hurry hurry!". I get excited watching my parents take care of him; sometimes it makes me giggle. I always want to stand in his bassinet and play with his mobile while watching his diaper be changed or him drink Mommy milk. I try to help any way I can, e.g. when I saw that he dropped his hat, I searched all over the house for it until I found it.
Mommy being busy hasn't bothered me too much because Daddy is always there for me. The first night back from the hospital, Sebastian's crying woke me up, so Daddy slept with me that night because I was too excited. I did tell Daddy that I didn't like Sebastian once - when Mommy couldn't go out with me because she had to take care of him, but Daddy reminded me that we have to take turns now. Sharing Mommy
does become an issue however if she tries to pawn me off to a non-parent. Then I pull out all my attention-getting tactics with Mommy. When I don't want to take a nap, I say "I want to go pee pee". When I'm being ignored, I scream "ITCHY!" and that I need help with "squeeze-slap!"-ping my skin. When that doesn't work, I say I need to puff (albuterol asthma medication). My parents are on to me though because none of these things seemed to work today.
There are of course advantages to our new family dynamic. Mommy seems stuck whenever she's nursing Sebastian, so I jump on the bed, play with their expensive electonic equipment and hide them around the house, and otherwise wreck havoc while Mommy admonishes powerlessly from her immobilized perch. And, Daddy is more likely to reward me with tasty treats like chocolate milk and cookies.
Well, even with the adjustments that we'll all be making, I love my baby brother. He's awfully cute, and so small - just like a toy. I always want to hold, touch or kiss him, and give him as a "present" to my parents!