Saturday, February 17, 2007

This is supposed to be fun?

A friend invited us on a private prop plane ride to Camarillo, so Daddy thought it would be a fun excursion since I love airplanes and airports. I was thrilled about the day, excitedly packing my suitcase and donning my shades. Unfortunately, the wind made the flight takeoff too turbulent! It felt like a roller coaster! I was terrified, and insisted on sitting on Daddy's lap. Later, when it was time to reboard the plane to return home, I screamed bloody murder. I shrieked, "I don't wanna go on airplane!! I wanna walk home!!" Daddy offered movies, chocolate, anything, and I didn't stop screaming. For a very fleeting moment Daddy considered renting a car and driving the 7 hours home. Ultimately, Daddy dragged me back aboard the plane kicking and screaming. Negotiations over.

Daddy tried to buckle me in my seat, but I wiggled out of the lap belt and leaped into his lap, insisting on sitting there through taxi & takeoff. I squirmed, kicked, and SCREAMED: "I don't wanna go up up up." "I'm scared." I said I wanted to poop, which I throw out as the nuclear option when I want out of a situation. Once at cruising, I did #1, not #2. Then I calmed down to watch a movie on DVD.

I got nervous as the plane descended and eventually reverted back to a scream. But the air was more stable, so I was OK upon entering the taxiway. I even gave the pilot a high-five upon deplaning.

And what did I say after all that, as I walked to our car? "I wanna ride the airplane again." My Daddy's thinking in his head: "Sheesh." Everyone is just hoping that I don't develop an airplane phobia as a result of this experience.

See pics here.