All over it

See more pictures from the party here.
A Chronicle of Isabella's milestones & adventures in our silly little world
After going to a few "child care" dayth at my thchool, I dethided that lithping was cool. It ith driving Mommy crazy but I don't thop!
I had a "dropoff" playdate with George for the first time. Mommy usually stays with me, and at first I really wanted Mommy to stay, but then my excitement for playing with George overpowered my need to have Mommy around. We were seen giving each other little kisses, and putting our arms around each other (just like in school where we're reportedly inseparable). Then at one point George took his shirt off, and asked me to do the same! This is where I had to draw the line! Good thing we are 3 not 13 - otherwise everyone would be freaked out! For now, it's just sweet.