Saturday, March 31, 2007

Hanami, baby!

I went local just for the occasion and nursed a beer.

Saturday, March 24, 2007


Whenever my sister is around, I am completely enthralled by her. This is my typical expression. I lose all interest in toys and can't keep my eyes off her. My parents are psyched because we seem to entertain each other, even at this young an age.

It is just as well, since she seems pretty enamored in me. She can't stop kissing me sometimes... just like our Mom!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Will this lady ever stop kissing me?

I hope not!

(Photo courtesy of Josh & Denise)

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Love tatami rooms!

Here's me taking a comfortable nap at a restaurant while everyone else enjoys their lunch.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Rolling rolling rolling

I started rolling and now I won't stop...

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Mr. Grabby

I am nonstop grabbing these days. Watch out!

Friday, March 09, 2007

Baby gaga Taipei

I was surprised by how crazy people are about babies in Taipei. People would see me from across the room and walk over to say hi. Everyone kept touching my cheeks, head, feet, everything! Perhaps I brought it upon myself because every time a stranger talked to me, I started smiling! Someone commented that I was so smiley, that they would look over at me to find that I was already smiling at them! My friendliness encouraged them to touch me, much to my Mom's surprise - over and over again. I was passed around and held by almost every relative; all the kids wanted to kiss me. Maybe that's why I had a cold the entire time I was in Taipei. I was irresistible!

(above picture: my first slide ride at kid friendly Taipei airport!)

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Piece of cake?

I don't know why everyone was so worried about taking a transpacific flight with me. I'm a total dream! I slept, coo'ed and smiled at all the flight attendants. I charmed them so much that one even held me for a while. My only thing is I preferred Mom's seat over the bassinet. It was pretty sweet!

Friday, March 02, 2007

6 month appointment

At my 6 month appointment, I measured 26 inches long (35th %), 14 pounds (5th percentile), 41.4 cm head circumference (6th percentile). I'm still long and skinny, but my doctor says she is not concerned since I'm hitting my milestones and am growing in height. Tell that to my Mom!